Monday, March 7, 2011

Fundraiser Success

Ive decided to start blogging again daily. Well almost daily.

Last night 72 people showed up at a little theater to watch "The Cove". It was an incredible feeling knowing that maybe just one person in the crowd will make different choices because of the movie they saw last night.

I have to tell the story of the man in the red jacket. Last night at the Plaza Fundraiser.

{ enter man in red jacket in his late 50's, accompanied by his wife heading to the box office for a ticket }
 -my cousin Ashley is working at the box office selling our tickets

"what are all these people doing here? Ive never seen this movie but it was the only damn thing on at this time in this city"

Ashley briefly explains we are hosting a fundraiser ect ect..

" well I'm not paying $25 bucks to watch this, how much is a regular movie here?"

-with a smile on my face " I'm not sure sir, we dont usually work in the box office, maybe $10 dollars is my guess"

-man in the red jacket basically stomps his feet and curls his nose up like he wants to spit on me..

-again with a smile on my face " well because I wish for you to view this, pay me the $10 each and enjoy the show.

-throws us a Twenty.

97 minutes later man in red jacket is asking for me...he has given Ashley the remaining money of the tickets he should have paid for..

-man in red jacket says to me with red teary eyes...."what can I do to help?"

In that moment the whole night came together.

As we have all heard, the fishermen in Taiji have packed up the tools and the tarps and supposably calling it a season.  No more driving dolphins in the Cove for the moment. The water is blue.

Why would these mentalists do this? Because everybody in the town of Taiji received a Japanese version of "The Cove"?
How are they making money? What are they doing with all their spare time? Where is all the whale and dolphin meat now?

In 12 days the search soon as my feet hit the ground, Im going to start asking questions and looking for answers.

Stay tune on twitter  @opptrueblue


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