Thursday, December 2, 2010

"We are the only mammals that foul our nest" ~ The Cove

Chickens, pigs, cows, baby cows, baby lambs, tuna, dolphins...all have beating hearts. So does my chihuahua..would you throw her in a taco? She is fleshy and meaty.

If modern man had to go out into the world, in our case it would be a local super market, and select his chicken and chop it's head off and continue to do the necessary cleaning of the animal, there would be a lot less " modern men" eating chicken. Next time someone wants to have a fancy, festive meaty fondu party, spice it up a little. Have the live animals running around, then give everyone their special holiday christmas cleaver, and tell them to kill their dinner. They would fuck off pretty fast, and post as their facebook status that they were at a party with crazy people.Exactly.Welcome to my life.
Every time  I see people gorging down meat, i'm so grossed out. Its hard not to make the puking face at them. A very wise man once said in a lecture, that our society was " the dumb fuck leading the dumb fuck". Namaste.

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